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Our Training Programmes

Here, you can find a list of topics we cover. Please complete the enquiry form if you would like more information. We are pleased to send detailed training content on request.


Our training programmes are designed to be practical and solutions-focused so that even with limited resources and time, each participant can take meaningful actions confident in knowing they are doing the best they can.


We teach in a style that is empowering, engaging and friendly. We inspire and motivate. Our subject matter is current, up-to-date and evidence-based. It draws on our extensive experience of managing habitats and caring for biodiversity for our clients and ourselves.


  • Biodiversity: what it really means and why it matters

  • Biodiversity: practical actions for communities

  • Biodiversity and community well-being

  • Biodiversity management for organisations

  • Practical biodiversity protection for the construction sector

  • Navigating and making full use of national resources on biodiversity, including Biodiversity Ireland database and database

  • Carbon sequestration through biodiversity action

  • Management of grassy areas for biodiversity

  • Simple tools to measure the benefits of your biodiversity actions


  • Introduction to fungi

  • Introduction to woodland fungi

  • Woodland ecology and management

Climate Action

  • The connection between climate change, biodiversity loss and invasive species

Sustainable Gardening and Management of Green Spaces

  • All Ireland Pollinator Plan

  • Gardening for biodiversity

  • Pollinator friendly landscape and garden design

  • Carbon offsetting through simple land management changes

  • Orchard creation and management

  • Hedgerow creation and management


  • Ecology: habitat management and creation

Invasive Species

  • Invasive species identification, prevention and management

  • Invasive species control without the use of herbicides

  • Invasive species control for the construction sector

Current Training Programmes

What Our Clients Say

Beautiful Nature
"These are exceptional teachers, and the mixture of passion, knowledge and personality deserves to be more widely seen."
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